
Advaya offers ketamine prescribers a flexible suite of professional and supportive psychotherapy services for their clients, from Preparation through Integration and beyond.

Our therapists are fully licensed and have received certification from in-depth, year-long training programs that focus on every aspect of Ketamine Assisted Therapy.

Advaya supports clients throughout the entire medication administration process, starting with preparation for the ketamine journey, ensuring they are mentally and emotionally ready for whatever their experience entails.”

Research shows that, although ketamine is a powerful medication for neurological healing when administered on its own, its effects are greatly improved when Ketamine Therapy is paired with skillfully applied psychotherapy. Imagine the already impressive improvement rate enjoyed by your clients, enhanced further and solidified over time by engagement with a professional psychotherapist trained in Psychedelic Therapy.

All of Advaya’s licensed, professional therapists have been trained and certified through rigorous year-long programs in the art and science of Psychedelic Assisted Therapy, and they all employ a trauma-informed approach in their work. This combination of deeply informed modalities assures that we provide all of our clients with the highest level of support possible throughout their healing process.

At Advaya, we are always working toward increasing our client base so that we can help the widest population possible. As our client list grows, we would like to share our bounty with you in terms of referring our clients without existing prescription sources directly to you for medication services.


Advaya’s licensed and certified therapists are thoroughly trained to provide the necessary preparatory elements to assure successful ketamine dosing and integration for every client. Our goal is to optimize the potential for the best possible clinical outcome for each client, and to foster a sense of safety in the process.

Generally, we recommend three Preparation sessions prior to the initial medication administration, but we tailor our services to each client’s needs.

The client’s individualized Preparation program will include expectation management, risk assessment and mitigation, pre- and post-medication planning, establishment of a safe and successful “Set and Setting” for the client’s scheduled medication sessions, internal and external resource development, as well as skill building for successful Integration of the medication journey.


Intentional Integration therapy sessions within 24-48 hours after everyketamine dosing session can help your clients mitigate any potential adverse effects oftheir experience, as well as help them make sense of their insights and implement themmeaningfully in their lifestyle in order to effect lasting change.Our team of licensed and certified professionals can help your clients access their own Inner HealingIntelligence to construct meaningful narratives from their experiences and utilize them tomake sustainable behavioral adjustments, harmonize their unconscious belief systems,and guide them in returning to everyday life after their journeys with reduced symptomsoverall.

Individual Sessions

All of our Preparation and Integration sessions are offeredas 55 minute, one-on-one, completely confidential therapy meetings with the licensedand certified therapist of your client’s choosing. These sessions are customized to yourclient’s specific needs and are focused on supporting the client in every aspect of theirketamine experience. Individual therapy sessions are also offered in an on-going manner, for as long as the client desires, following ketamine treatment. This provides a means of continuing support for the client as they navigate their post-treatment lifestyle changes and continue to integrate their ketamine experiences.

Group Sessions

Ketamine therapy can be cost prohibitive for many clients, sowe offer the option of group Preparation and Integration therapy sessions, as a moreaffordable option. A client can choose to access group sessions in combination withtheir individual sessions, in order to partially defray their costs, or group sessions alonemight be a preferred choice to fit a smaller budget.Group sessions have the added benefit of offering the client access to communalhealing, where they can learn from the shared experience and resiliency of others.

Supportive Psychotherapy and Psycholytic Medication Sessions

Once clients have finished their initial round of ketamine dosing and Integration, some doctors prescribe a maintenance schedule of ongoing medication support. We assist in this process by offering continuing therapy services that involve conducting therapy sessions while the client takes small (psycholytic) doses of the medication. Alternatively, we offer on-going psychotherapy support without the psycholytic dosing component.

It is our goal that we all grow together!

Ketamine Assisted Therapy

Our Ketamine Preparation and Integration Therapy program allows us to work with you to optimize your best possible outcome and to foster a sense of safety in the process. We support you with expectation management, risk assessment and mitigation, pre- and post-medication planning, establishment of safe and successful “Set and Setting” for all of your medication sessions, development of internal and external resources, as well as skill building for successful and on-going Integration of your medication journeys. Together, we individualize your experience to make the most of your ketamine treatment.


Through integration we work to harmonize different aspects of your previous psychedelic experience, including self-acceptance, emotional processing, and resolving inner conflicts. Through this process we foster personal growth, authenticity, and a sense of wholeness by acknowledging and embracing the complexity of one's inner world. We will explore the experience with you to focus on creating a fuller you.


Through integration we work to harmonize different aspects of your previous psychedelic experience, including self-acceptance, emotional processing, and resolving inner conflicts. Through this process we foster personal growth, authenticity, and a sense of wholeness by acknowledging and embracing the complexity of one's inner world.  We will explore the experience with you to focus on creating a fuller you.


Performance coaching is a transformative process that empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to achieve their goals and surpass their own expectations. Our performance coaching services are tailored to your unique needs. Coaching is future-oriented and goal-driven and focuses on personal and professional development, skill enhancement, and performance improvement. It's often shorter-term and action-oriented, led by individuals with diverse backgrounds.

Our Therapy Fees & Ketamine Support Package

Advaya is a full-service therapy group that offers Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy and on-going psychotherapy services that are independent from medication dosing.

Our rates range from $125- $250 per hour (depending on the service) for individual non-medication therapy, Ketamine Preparation and Integration sessions, Psychedelic Integration sessions, as well as for Psycholytic dosing sessions. Please complete the intake form to get more information. CLICK HERE

We also offer a discounted price package for Ketamine Integration and Preparation that can be bundled with your medication dosing packages for a more affordable and comprehensive option for your clients:

12 sessions of Ketamine Assisted Therapy:
This includes:

  • 3 Preparation sessions, prior to ketamine dosing
  • 6 Integration sessions between ketamine dosing sessions
  • 3 follow up Integration sessions post-treatment.

Contact Us

Connect with us now to embark on your journey to mental wellness and receive the support you need.